Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I Got Bitten by a Student


Today was just a horrible, no good, very bad day >_<

I had the student from hell. He's a second grader and should know better. He's also the oldest kid in that class, all the rest being 1st graders. I had him last year too, so none of this is a "OMG NEW TEACHER!" thing.

Well, he kept acting up all through class: messing with the other kids, interfering with the game we were playing, and not sitting properly in his chair (Another teacher had a student break a chair by messing around in it so I am very paranoid about it.) I kept telling him to stop it and even the other kids were like "Dude, you're older than us. Act your age." I threatened to take his sticker from him (Each class the kids get a sticker to put on their attendance card. When they get so many they can get a prize.) and he did the "Oooooh, I am so scared!" thing.

I finally had had enough and just took his attendance card from him and told him if he was a good boy I'd give it back. He hit the roof. At first I just played keep away from him while calmly continuing to teach the class (I got complimented for my poise by the other children.) And then he got behind me and pulled my hair. Hard enough to yank my head back. I grabbed his wrist and told him he wouldn't do that kind of thing to me. Then I took the sticker off and told him if he sat down I MIGHT give it back to him.

Nope, that didn't work. He then tried to get the sticker from me, pulling up my sleeve and clawing at my arm. I finally got my cell phone out and threatened to call his mom. He then tried to snap my phone in half! I then had to try to wrestle my phone from this kid who was trying like hell to break it. I kept asking how he thought his parents would react if they had to pay for my phone if he broke it. He finally settled on ripping off and breaking all my cell phone charms. Only one survived >_< He also bit me. I got bitten by a 7 year old. He so should know better.

I ended class early so I could go down with them and wait for his mom. He tried to run away from me, but I caught him. He then decided to apologize to me, but too little too late bud! I called the office and told them what went down and asked them to talk to his teacher and to his parents. I made sure to do this in front of him. His parents pulled up and I realized I was still so mad I was shaking and it probably wouldn't be a good idea to talk to them right then (I had an image of me throwing my cell phone charms in her lap and screaming 'look what your son did!' Or if I did keep my cool, I'd end up snottily asking if there was something wrong with him mentally and suggesting he get checked out.) So I gave him a nasty smile and told him "Wait 'till the office calls your mom!" and went back upstairs to teach my other class.

I had to go to the office after work and show them my cell phone charms and have them look at my phone. They have to keep the charms to show his parents if it becomes an issue. Also one of the ladies at work makes jewelry as a hobby and she told me she can fix my Arashi (A band I like. I got the charms at their concerts)charms. Thank god. Those were the ones I was mourning the most!

I am still so furious at the little shit. If he did have something wrong with him mentally I would be more understanding, but I know he doesn't. He's just a spoiled little brat. And I am sure he's going to get nothing more than a slap on the wrist at home if he even gets that!

Also I am loving the other kids in the class which were my "bad" kids last year. They kept on playing the game calmly while all the drama was going on. One girl even offered to bring me the cell phone strap she got at Disneyland to replace the ones that were broken. I apologized to them after class that they had to sit through that and didn't get much of a lesson. They told me that they understood and were sorry I had to go through that and that they hoped my day got better. Awww.

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